• 締切済み


メールを送りたいです。翻訳をお願いします。 私は無事です。 でも私の市は津波で壊滅的です。そして原発も60キロ先にあり、毎日怯えながらも街を復旧するため頑張ってます。 毎日のように大震災が自分の街に?と…信じられないくらい悲しいけど頑張ってます。 またあなたの笑顔が見たいです。 原発もどうか落ち着く事を祈ってて下さい。


  • nochi3
  • ベストアンサー率55% (249/450)

I have no damage but safety. However, our town has been devastated by Tsunami, even worse the nuclear plant is located at 60km away from us. We all have been working hard every day to recover our city in horror. We fear every day what we might do when we would be visited by the massive quake again. We have been getting hustle on recovery with this unbelievable sorrow. I would like to see your smile. I hope you pray our nuclear plant will be stable too. ご参考になればと思います。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

I am fine. My city was destroyed by the tsunami. The damaged nuclear power plant is 33 miles away, and we are busy restoring the city every day in fear. That big earthquake happened in my city is hard to believe. I want to see your smile again. Pray that the plant remains quiet.

