• 締切済み

英語 和訳

英語が堪能な人お願いします!! ファンレターを送りたいので日本語を英語に直してください。かたい感じじゃなくて、今風な表現でお願いします。 「あなた達のダンスを見て、もっとダンスが好きになりました。だから高校でダンスをやることにしました。ジャンルはHip Hopとブレイキンなどです。すごく楽しみです!!! ABDCやPoreoticsは日本でほとんど知られてないけど、ぜひ日本に来てください。大歓迎です!! Poreoticsのダンスはめっちゃ難しいけど、覚えたり、見てるだけでも楽しいです。 メンバー一人一人個性があって、みんなめっちゃ面白いです。ダンスの実力もあってみんな最高!!!」 長いかもしれないけど、よろしくお願いします!!


  • maron31
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

すいません。 少し、訂正するところがあったのでもう1度・・・。 「Your dances were seen, and the dance came to like it. Therefore, it decided to dance in the high school. The genre is Hip Hop and bureikin, etc.It is terrible and the enjoyment ABDC and Poreotics must come to Japan by all means though are hardly known in Japan. It is a very welcome It remembers, and only seeing is happy though the dance of Poreotics is very difficult. There is individuality ..member.. one by one, and everyone is very interesting. It also has the ability of the dance and it is the highest all. 」

  • maron31
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

「Your dances were seen, and the dance came to like it. Therefore, it decided to dance in the high school. The genre is Hip Hop and [bureikin], etc.It is terrible and the enjoyment ABDC and Poreotics must come to Japan by all means though are hardly known in Japan. It is a very welcome It remembers, and only seeing is happy though the dance of Poreotics is ..[meccha].. difficult. There is individuality ..the member.. one by one, and it is interesting ..the all.. ..[ccha]... It also has the ability of the dance and it is the highest all. 」 です。ファンレターを書くのですか(^ω^) がんばってください。
