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Mohammed Ali Jinnah: The Inspiration Behind Liberty's Fall Winter Collection
- The fall winter collection of Liberty takes inspiration from Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a historical figure who founded Pakistan. Jinnah, an Indian figure who studied in Oxford and worked in London, had a strong influence from his time in England, particularly in his choice of clothing.
- Jinnah's wardrobe consisted mainly of western-style clothing, and he was known for his impeccable menswear fashion. He owned over 200 hand-tailored suits and never wore the same silk tie twice. His style was a sophisticated mix of various elements, reflecting his constant travel between East and West.
- This brochure, with the mentioned text, is from a clothing store. If you are unable to understand the meaning, it might be too complex for a direct translation. However, the brochure highlights the influence of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a historical figure, on Liberty's fall winter collection.
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cozycube1さん、 ご回答どうもありがとうございます。 2回もご回答して頂いて、助かりました!!! お礼の連絡が遅くなって申し訳ないです。