(1)It is also of interest that TERT (telomerase reverse transcriptase) showed stable expression regardless of age (Supplementary Fig. 12).
(2)This finding is consistent with the role of the telomerase complex, highlighted by positive selection on TEP1 and TERF1.
(3)Overall, transcriptome and sequence data revealed different (compared to humans, mice and rats) patterns of NMR genes, which may underlie longevity mechanisms in this animal.
(3)全般的に言えば,トランスクリプトーム(≒全体像を定量的あるいは定性的に把握する研究手法)および 配列データは(ヒト,マウスおよびラットと比較した)差異を明らかにした.そしてそれは,この動物(この論文の流れよりハダカデバネズミ)の並外れた長寿根拠となるといっても差し支えない.
(4)Non-shivering thermogenesis is a major heat production process in mammals that mainly depends on the action of UCP1, one of the 39 vertebrate genes that changed uniquely in the NMR (Supplementary Table 19).
(5)UCP1 featured changes in amino acids Gln 146, Arg 263,Trp 264 and Thr 303, with the latter two residues being subject to positive selection (P,0.05, likelihood ratio test for the branch-site model, n530) and Arg 263 and Trp 264 located in the conserved nucleotide binding motif (Fig. 3a).
(5)UCP1は,後者2つ(Trp264およびThr303)の残基の存在するポジティブ選択に依存するGLn146,Arg263,Trp264およびThr303のアミノ酸の著しい変化を特徴とする. ←自信なし
(6)With Arg–Trp instead of the rigid Gly–Pro in the key regulatory site, UCP1 is expected to lose the tight regulation by purine nucleotides as inhibitors and fatty acids as activators (Fig. 3b and c).
(7)The same loop also features two positively charged Lys residues followed by a negatively charged residue (also a unique combination), that should markedly affect the local electrostatic potential of UCP1.