About fifteen years ago a little girl was sitting in a rusty wheelchair outside the central hospital of Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. The girl had no legs and she was perhaps ten years old. Her name was Sofia. Today, Sofia is one of my closest and dearest friends.(1No one has taught me as much as she about the conditions of being human. )Nor has anyone taught me more about poor people's unprecedented power of resistance--those who are forced to survive at the bottom of society in a world we all share and inhabit :so unjust and brutal. It was early in the morning. Sofia and her sister were running along a small road in her village. Sofia knew very well that she and her sister should keep to the road. There was something she called (2earth crocodiles) buried in the ground by the side of the road and they could snap at you. The girls were running. Children play, as it is their given right, and they forget, which is also their given right. With her right foot Sofia accidentally stepped to the side of the road. She put her foot on a land mine. However, (3the mine had been placed in the ground in such a manner that the major part of the explosion that followed was directed at her sister Maria, )who died instantly. Sofia was brought to the hospital, drenched in her own blood. The doctor who took care of Sofia when she arrived at the hospital said, "Since she was so seriously damaged, we were hoping that Sofia would die along with her sister. Her legs torn apart, her chest blown to pieces, everything." Yet Sofia survived. She had greater strength than the entire military industrial complex that tried to take her life, which continues to hold the poor hostage, the poor who cannot defend themselves (4on equal terms. )Within her body and mind Sofia carried with her the strong will to ( 5 ) of the poor people of the world. Today, Sofia has become a symbol all around the world of the resistance against the usage of land mines. For many young people, she has become a heroine. She is a heroine for me as well. When I saw Sofia walk with her new artificial legs, I experienced profound happiness in my life. At that very moment I also claimed what would later be my, as well as Sofia's, motto in life. "It is never too late! Everything is still possible!" In an instant her life was blown apart, but she resisted and she fought back. Nothing could defeat her. What Sofia brings me is hope, hope for the future. Her (6indomitable) spirit cannot be broken.
(1)対等に (2)条件付きで (3)仲良く (4)同じ用語で
(1) learn (2) walk (3) resist (4) play
(1)impossible to discourage (2) having an optimistic view of life (3) independent-minded (4) very friendly and helpful
(1)About fifteen years ago, the author visited the central hospital of Maputo to see one of his closest friends, Sofia .
(2) It was quite natural for Sofia and her sister to forget about land mines buried in the ground while running along the road.
(3) Sofia was so hopelessly injured that the medical staff at the hospital gave up doing anything to help her survive.
(4) Among those around the world who are against using land mines, Sofia is admired as a symbol of resistance.
(5) The author decided his motto in life on seeing Sofia walk with her new artificial legs.
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