- ベストアンサー
いつもお世話様です。 以下お願いします。 "信じられない!◯◯◯のLIVEに行く約束してた友達が行けなくなったの。一緒に行ってくれる人を探さなきゃ!私と一緒に行かない?!チケットはここにあるわ!" 以上を英語にお願いします!
- みんなの回答 (6)
- 専門家の回答
Unbelievable! My friend who I was going to the ◯◯◯ Concert with said he/she can't go. I need to find someone to go with. Do you want to go together? I have the tickets right here. I can't believe it! My friend who I was going to the ◯◯◯ concert with said he/she can't go. I need to find someone to go with. Do you want to go with me together? I have the tickets with me. 上記どちらでも構いませんし、各文章を入れ替えてもいいです。
その他の回答 (5)
- blueblue76
- ベストアンサー率32% (10/31)
こんばんは。 Oh my god!!! I gotta find someone who can come ◯◯◯live with me. I've never thought she canceled it. Are you free today?? You can get her ticket. でしょうか・・・。全然もとの文章の順番守ってませんが、私が言うならこうなります(^_^)
- ucok
- ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)
I can't believe it! A friend who promised to go to the Bob Dylan concert can't come. I've gotta find someone to go with me! How about you?! I've got the ticket right here! すみません、主観が入りましたが、適宜入れ替えてください。
- zak33697
- ベストアンサー率27% (275/1016)
Wanna' come with me for the concert. I keep the ticket for you. 理由を述べると、言われた方は、ついでの友人扱いと 思います。
- mickeyzz
- ベストアンサー率49% (234/471)
I can’t imagine it! My friend who I was going to the◯◯◯ live performance became unavailable.I’ve got to find out someone else. Can you go with me? Here’s your free ticket. can’t imagine=考えても見なかった アメリカ式になめらかに行きましょう
Unbelievable! My friend pomised to go concert of ◯◯◯ is not able to do it together there. Would you go to this concert with me? (This)tickets herer. こんなとこ
返答遅くなりましてすいません! とても助かりました。ありがとうございます!