Couldn’t の語法について
(1)これ(could)は文法的にどの個所を読めば理解できるでしょうか? しかも 疑問形で過去完了形?というのは 語法的に、どの項目を観ればいいのでしょうか??(過去完了形? 強調? など)
(2)このセンテンスの意味は 「いくつかの科目で「不可」を取ったら、期末休み(の間まで)に(課題を)終えてもいいですか? ・・・なんか間違っているのはうっすら感じるのですが…スミマセン
Couldn’t I take an incomplete on some of the classes, then finish the work over the break?
(English as a Second Language Podcastより)
weblioという辞書サイト等見ると couldの助動詞としての語法で当てはまりそうなのがたくさんあるのですが・・・
TOEFL Podcast #4
Taking a Full Load
M: Well, Jessica, I think you should really take something less than a full load of classes this semester.
F: But I was hoping to finish my minor by spring semester.
M: I understand that you want to finish up and get a job, but given your current GPA, I can’t recommend taking such a heavy load.
F: I see what you mean. Couldn’t I take an incomplete on some of the classes, then finish the work over the break?
M: It doesn’t quite work that way. You can’t plan on taking an incomplete in a class. If the professor finds out that was your intention all along, he’s likely to say no. Besides, you can’t possibly finish up all the work in a just a few weeks.
F: But if I don’t take 18 units this semester, I’m going to have to get a part-time job, since my financial aid is running out.
M: Well, let’s see if we can’t figure something out. Here, hand me your schedule of classes. Let me take a crack at it and see if I can find a good mix of classes for you to enroll in.
F: That would be great. I really do appreciate your help on this, professor.
M: It’s no problem. That’s what they pay me to do.