In addition to any disqualification under the Act or the terms of any subsisting agreement, the office of a Director shall be vacated if:
(A) a receiving order is made against him or he makes any arrangement or composition with his creditors;
(C) he absents himself from the meetings of Directors for a period of six (6) months without special leave of absence from other Directors, and they pass a resolution that he has by reason of such absence vacated his office;
(E) he shall be requested to vacated his office by all the other Directors, and they pass a resolution that he has been so requested and by reason thereof has vacated his office;
(A) 明け渡し命令が言い渡された場合または当取締役による手配または債権者との示談による結果;
(C) 当取締役は、他の取締役の特別許可を得ず、6カ月間継続的に取締役会に欠席したことが原因で、取締役会で可決された決議によって明け渡しを命じられた場合;
(E) 他のすべての取締役の要求に応じて、職務を明け渡せざる得ない場合、そして取締役会は職務の明け渡しを命じたこと及びそれに応じて職務を明け渡したことについて決議を通す;