In my opinion, why argue at all? I can't say that you're right in your beliefs and I can't say that I am either. It's just not possible in my mind. But then, yes, I have experienced some of the feelings you mentioned in your letter. What's the point? Coming from someone who likes to think there is something out there, but realize that I am not sure - We're here to live together and to choose how to live in this society. I don't know what else there is, and I have accepted not knowing.
(1)一行目のwhy argue at all?が全くわかりません(>_<)
(2)What's the point? ポイントは何だっけ?というかんじでしょうか?
(3) Coming from someone who l ikes to think there is something out there, but realize that I am not sureは全くわかりません<(_ _)>すみませんがどなたかアドバイスお願いします。
どうもありがとうございます!すっきりしました! NY暑いっすか?