[The card trick]
Consider the following card trick.The trickster has 21 cards in a pack; the audience chooses one card(leaving it in the
pack) and the pack is shuffled. The trickster deals out the cards face up in a row of three, then in a second row of three,
and so on, the cards finally making an array of seven rows of three cards each(or three columns of seven cards each).the
The audience states which column the chosen card is in, the trickster collects up the columns to reform the pack ensuring
that the chosen column is placed between the other two. Theis process(which we call a round) is repeated twice more. The
trickster can now tell the audience which card was chosen, for it will be the card in the centre of the pack with ten cards
before it and ten cards after it. Of course, the trickster can add the usual embellishments to deflect the audience's
attention from the crucial issues.
Why does this trick work? What will happen if we take a different size pack? We shall analyse the trick for a pack of
any size, explain why it works, and show how many rounds are needed. Unexpectedly perhaps(but only at first), we shall
see that if the trick were to be carried out with an array of, for example, 999×999 cards, the chosen card would find
its way to the centre of the pack in just two rounds.
そうでしたね。すっかり忘れていました! ありがとうございました!