I grew up with two siblings -- a brother and a sister. My brother, his wife and three children lived near our parents. My family and I (wife, two children) lived some distance away. We maintained contact through holiday cards and drop-by visits. Everything was cordial, if not particularly close. In hindsight, all direct interaction with my folks was always at our initiation.
Sadly, my brother passed away quite suddenly a few years ago. He was still a relatively young man. My SIL still maintained infrequent, cordial contact surrounding major events (kids' graduating, my father's passing), but that's about it.
お礼が遅くなってしまい大変申し訳ありません!(>_<) ライムも美味しそうですね♪ 紹介して頂いたサイトで紅茶に入れるという飲み方が紹介されていたので、 これからの寒い季節の楽しみ方としても良いなと思いました。 色々情報教えて頂いてありがとうございます!