grow absent
I had my daughter about six months ago. In my circle of friends I’m the only to have a baby, so needless to say she gets a lot of attention. One friend in particular seems to be a little obsessed with her, and it kind of freaks me and my husband out. She’s constantly buying things for her, referring to herself as her godmother (she’s not, my sister is, and she knows it). She asks for pictures of her throughout the day to help get her through work, and mentions that while she’s looking for a new job she would never relocate because she wants to be near my daughter. And recently when she comes over, she asks if she can wear her in my baby carrier so people will think she’s her child! I appreciate that she is so supportive of us, and I know most people find their childless friends grow absent once they have a baby, but this is just a little over the top.
grow absentはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
ご存じの方がおられてほっとしました。Debbie Watson(デビー・ワトソン)という女優です。後に「タミー」という田舎娘の主役の番組もありました。YouTubeで動画の一部がありました。昔の学生時代のころを思い出します。主題歌を歌っているBeach Boysが早くレコードを出さないか待ちこがれていましたがとうとうこの歌はレコードかされませんでした。ご回答ありがとうございました。