• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の得意な方、これを訳して下さい。)

Windows7(日本版)での2.1 beta1のバグについて

  • Windows7(日本版)での2.1 beta1のバグが未解決のようです。
  • 一部のファイルが「トランスコード/再多重化」でフリーズする問題があります。
  • 他のパソコン(XP)ではこの工程を行うことができるようですが、原因は不明です。


  • ベストアンサー

  This bug is not solved although I used 2.1 beta1 in windows7 (Japanese version) -- A part of files will freeze by "a transcode / re-multiplexing" like the direction of others as usual. A lower text file is the codec information on a movie file which is called format factory, which it was soft and was acquired and to freeze. http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org2313257 -- http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org2313260 -- When investigated, in another personal computer (XP), this process was able to be performed satisfactorily. The direction of others is the win7 [ same ] as us. Since it seemed that it had succeeded by 64 bits, it thought that other programs might be the causes if it carries out by accident, but are there any program uncongenial to styler etc.?  

