• ベストアンサー


以下を英語に訳せる方がいらっしゃいましたらお願いします。。。 中国を悪く言う人は中国の歴史とパワーを知らない。 矛盾の多い国だけどそれと同じくらい可能性のある国。 世界のインテリは中国を見下したりしない。 政治体制に苦言を呈する事はあっても人種そのものを否定したりはしない。 考えずにものを言う奴は自分の価値を自分で落とす、哀れな奴。 自分をインテリだと言うつもりは一切ないけど私は中国が好き。 あの国はすごい。もっと大学で真面目に勉強すればよかったといつも思う。


  • ベストアンサー

  Chinese people do not know speak ill of Chinese history and power. Country as much as possible but it's a country with conflicts. World intellectuals do NOT look down on China. To remonstrate with the political regime or even deny the race itself is not. He says things without thinking themselves his value will drop, poor guy. Going to say but I do not own all the intellectual likes of China. That is a great country. And always think I should have studied more seriously in college.  


その他の回答 (1)

  • ID10T5
  • ベストアンサー率31% (732/2312)

Some people run China down. Those people do not know the power and history of China. There are a lot of contradictions as well as a lot of possiblities with China. Intelligent people of the world do not look down on China. They never disregard a whole ethnic group itself although they sometimes happen to disagree with its regime. Poor people often speak thoughtlessly and devaluate themselves. I don't mean to say I'm a smart person at all but I still love China. That country is great. I always wish I could have studied China harder while I was a university student. 適当に文を切って意訳もしてます。

