- 締切済み
英訳を お願いします
国際結婚をしようとしている娘の誕生日に 送りたくて 下記の文章を英訳してもらえませんか? 「貴女の向かう場所は 既に決まってるはず 迷う事は無い 貴女が選んだ道なのだから でも・・・ 道に迷ったら相談してくれ 父さんは いつも貴女の側にいるから」
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- mydoughboy
- ベストアンサー率50% (225/447)
You already know your destination. You cannot stray now because you chose the path yourself. But if you ever feel lost, come to me. I'll always be there for you.
- sebastian_le2
- ベストアンサー率56% (86/153)
You know where you are bounded for. There is no question about it. Don't think twice. I will stand by your decision, but if you ever get confused or feel uncertain in any way, just remember that your father is always by your side. ちょっと意訳しました。
- english_hour
- ベストアンサー率46% (83/180)
You know where you're going. So don't hesitate. It's your own choice. But if you are in trouble, tell me about it. I always stand by you, daughter.