Proposal for the usage of MFP (Multi Function Product)
Following benefit is provided easily by printer setting in personal computer.
* Cost reduction
* Data Security
(1) Cost reduction
Table 1: Print capacity (Total)
Table on the left indicates print capacity (in total), and table on the right indicates print capacity (by printer).
利用枚数=>印刷可能枚数 と解釈し、印刷可能枚数(複数プリンタの出力合計枚数)、印刷可能枚数(プリンタ毎の出力可能枚数)という意味で訳しています。
(2) Data Security
Any printout being left out on tray in your department could become the cause of security issues.
- It will be achieved by configuration in printer setting.
- It will be no additional cost.
* Prevent the waste of paper and ink from printing incorrect one.
* Prevent the printout from being left out.
プリント出力 => print out(動詞:印刷出力する), printout (名詞:プリンター出力), output (出力)
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