• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語訳お願いします。)


  • 友人が日本に旅行に来る際、大阪ではなく神戸に滞在してもらうことを提案。
  • 神戸から大阪や京都への移動がスムーズになり、私が友人を案内しやすくなる。
  • 金銭的な理由で私が友人と同じホテルに滞在することは厳しいが、できるだけ友人と多くの時間を過ごす努力をする。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

"When we chatted yesterday, I seem to remember your mentioning that you were looking for a tour package that provides airfare and hotel accommodation. It occurred to me afterwards that if that was the case, it would be better if you could choose a package that comes with hotel accommodation in Kobe, and NOT Osaka: it would be more convenient for me to take you to various places if you stayed in Kobe. The chances are that most tour packages offer accommodation in Osaka or other areas distant from Kobe, in which case I won't be able to spend with you, as much time as I would like to, because of the time it takes to travel between Kobe and the hotel. I could of course book a room in the hotel you will be staying, but that would be a financial burden for me. So if you could make an arrangement to stay in Kobe I would be most grateful. If you were to stay in Kobe, it would be most convenient for me to show you round Osaka and Kyoto. Having that said, I am of course willing to spend with you, as much time as I can, even if you were to stay in Osaka. I wish I had a lot money to spare, so that I could book a room in the hotel you will be staying, wherever that may be... may be I should go and buy a lottery!!!" [注] "tour package" --- パッケージ ツアー "The chances are" --- 恐らく "in Osaka or other areas distant from Kobe" --- 大阪或いはその他の神戸から遠い場所 "financial burden" --- 経済的負担 "show you round" --- あなたを案内する "Having that said" --- そうは言っても "buy a lottery" --- 宝くじを買う お二人の旧交を深めながら、愉しい時間を過ごせるよう祈っています。



ご丁寧にありがとうございました。 buy a lotteryがとても参考になりました!!

