At last, just as Lena is saying that maybe we should be heading back, I see a bridge ahead of us in the dirt road.
‘Lena – a bridge!’
She smiles. ‘Go on, then.’ (前回の終わりの部分です)
I dash on to reach it. The sides of the bridge are higher than they have looked, and as I wait for Lena I haul myself up to lean over the edge. Below me, though, there isn’t a river, as I’d hoped; the ground is dry, sandy, though there are what look like waves and ripples in the sand. The sand – or dust; some of it looked more that way – is reddish, like all the earth around Altesa, but much finer, and smooth. Where rocks stand up in its surface, the sand seems to have flowed round them, making strange, fluid shapes. In several places there are matted thatches of dead sticks and twigs and rubbish and leaves, turned brown and dry by the sun.
Lena stands beside me and looks over also.
‘There’s no water,’ I say.
‘No,’ she agrees.
‘But it looks like a river. And there’s a bridge.’
‘Sometimes there’s water in it,’ she says. ‘When the storms come. But most of the time it’s dry. It’s not really a river, you see, it’s just a place where the water runs when it rains in the hills.’
The sides of the bridge are higher than they have looked, and as I wait for Lena I haul myself up to lean over the edge.の個所がなのですが、
In several places there are matted thatches of dead sticks and twigs and rubbish and leaves, turned brown and dry by the sun. について、この中のrubbishは”ごみ”という意味なのでしょうか?ふきわらの屋根の素材で dead sticksとtwigs とleavesはわかるのですが、rubbishがわかりません。
うーん、難しいけど 「やるしかない!」でしょうね? 回答有難う御座いましたYYY!!!