• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の添削をお願いいたします!)

The Impact of Aging Society on Japan's Economy and Welfare System

  • Japan is rapidly becoming an aging society, with the number of people aged 100 years or over increasing from approximately 150 in 1963 to approximately 18,000 now. This demographic shift will have significant effects on Japan's economy and specifically on its welfare system.
  • One of the major effects of an aging society is the lack of homes for the aged. With the increasing number of older people and the decreasing number of caregivers, many elderly individuals end up living alone. This not only leads to an increase in loneliness and isolation but also contributes to the problem of lonely deaths.
  • Furthermore, the decrease in the birth rate adds to the challenges of an aging society. The declining workforce and tax revenue make it difficult to sustain the current welfare system, including funding for pensions and healthcare for older adults. As a result, there is a pressing need to find solutions to these issues and adapt the welfare system to meet the changing needs of the aging population.


  • ベストアンサー
  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

先程はどうも、大学入試に臨んでこんな文章を書けるのは素晴らしいことです、、、、細かい部分では若干難もありますが、合格点だと思いますよ。 決して模範解答ではありません、最後は尻切れ蜻蛉(泣)、こんな書き方もあるっちゅうことで今晩は堪忍して、お休みなさい。 One of the serious problems we will see very soon is public home for the aged people especially of middle or lower income. Except those who can accord private luxury home, a great number of elderly people will soon find shortage of economical public home. Of course, we can not simply depend on the governmental assistance as it will have the more serious financial difficulty. What I am afraid most is such situation will endanger social vitality and hope for the future to the younger generation. We have to find some realistic solution as soon as possible. [97 words]



どうもありがとうございます。さっきの英作文も添削していただき、本当に心強いです。 またもや合格点をいただけるとは!本当に自信がつきます! これからも英作文をちょいちょい投稿していきます。なので、ぜひこれからも添削よろしくおねがいします。 模範解答(笑)はめちゃくちゃ参考になります。ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (1)


One of the urgent issues is public home shortages for elderly people especially of middle or lower income. Except those who can afford private luxury homes, the greater number of them will face this problem. Of course, we cannot simply depend on our government's assistance as it will have more serious financial difficulties. What I am afraid most is such situation will endanger the social vitality and hope for the future of younger generations. We have to find some realistic solutions as soon as possible



どうもありがとうございます。 自分のよりもはるかに説得力があり、しっかしりした構造を持った英文章だと思います。 ものすごく参考になりました。どうもありがとうございました。