• 締切済み


英語の添削をお願いします。 英語のパラグラフライティングというのを学校の授業でやっています。 日本語文と英語文を載せるので、添削してください。 日本語文もおかしいところがあったら直して下さってかまいません。 よろしくお願いします。 カトリックと、プロテスタントには共通点と相違点があるのを知っていますか? キリスト教は、カトリックと、プロテスタントに分かれます。この2つ教派の共通点と相違点が何処にあるのかを知っていますか?まず、カトリックとプロテスタントの共通点は、一神教であること。それがイエス・キリストであるということです。相違点は、カトリックでは、聖職者(神父)を介して人は神と接触するので、聖職者は生涯を神に仕え、独身です。聖母マリアや聖人に対する信仰もあり、祈りの際には十字をきり、洗礼名を戴きます。一方プロテスタントでは、人は神に直接接すると考えられているので、聖職者(牧師)は世俗の生活を送ることができます。聖母マリアや聖人は単なる人と考えているので、イエス以外には信仰しません。以上の様に、キリスト教の2つの教派には共通点と相違点があるのです。 Do you know Catholicism and protestantism have the common feature and the difference point? The Christianity divides into Catholicism and protestantism. Do you know where this two common feature and difference point of the sect are?First of all, Catholicism and protestantism's common features must be monotheisms. It is Jesus Christ. Because the person comes in contact with the difference point with the god in Catholicism through the clergy (father), the clergy serves the god, and is single through life. There is a belief to Our Lady and the saint, too and the cross is gotten when praying and I get the limit and the name given at the font. On the other hand, the clergy (priest) can spend the secular life because it is thought that the person receives the god directly in protestantism. Because Our Lady and the saint think a mere person, it doesn't believe in except Jesus. There are a common feature and a difference point in two sects of the Christianity above.



英語系の人は多いはずなのに,だいぶ回答がついてませんね。ぼくがむちゃくちゃな回答を書けば,見るに見かねてどなたか出てきていただけるでしょう。そちらのほうを信用してくださいね。 Do you know the difference and commonality between Catholicism and Protestantism? The Christianity has two major sects as Catholicism and Protestantism. How do you distinguish them? From a theological viewpoint, they are both monotheistic religions whose god is Jesus Christ in common. In Catholicism, however, the believers contact with God via the clergy called as father, who should maintain singlehood throughout his life. They adore Our Lady and saints as well, cross themselves in prayer, and have a baptismal name. In Protestantism, the clergy called as priest is allowed connubiality, because the believers contact with God directly. They do not adore Our Lady or saints, because they regard them as human existence. Thus the two sects are derivatives of Christianity.

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common featureとdifference pointが何度も出てきて文としてあまり洗練されていないように思います。もっと他の表現も混ぜたほうがいいでしょう。share the idea/belief, the different idea/belief, differなどなど。 Do you know where this two common feature and difference point of the sect are? -> Do you know what the common feature and difference point of.... Because the person comes in contact with the difference point with the god in Catholicism through the clergy (father), the clergy serves the god, and is single through life. -> これはもとの日本語を反映していません。この文はカソリックの特徴を述べているもので、「相違点」を挙げたものではありません。 例えば... One of the differences is clergy's role. Because the person comes in contact with the God in Catholicism through the clergy, the clergy is the one to serve the God and is single through life. There is a belief to Our Lady and the saint, too and the cross is gotten when praying and I get the limit and the name given at the font. -> get the limitが良く分かりませんが宗教的なものなのでしょうか? Because Our Lady and the saint think a mere person, it doesn't believe in except Jesus. ー> think -> are considered as -> it doesn't believe -> they don't believe