- ベストアンサー
○○のメカニズムは完全にブラックボックスである とか パソコンは私にとってブラックボックスである という場合、どういえば良いのでしょうか? A is black box. か A is in the black box. かどちらなのでしょうか?
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
一番です、「black box」の使用例、、、、、、、、一寸長いですが、 Black Boxes Building a reader for time-restricted books may sound to some like a very stupid thing to do. First, you need to decipher the book using a secret key. Then, you also need to make sure the user cannot do anything with it. You need to keep it from being printed, cut and pasted, etc. Above all, you need to make your program tamper-proof. Because the book reader is the guardian of the book's content, if crackers reverse-engineer it and publish a time-unrestricted reader, your whole business model is lost. What you need to build is a black box. A black box is a piece of software, hardware, or both that takes encrypted content and optionally a key as its input, and outputs unencrypted data (music, text, video, etc.). A black box must be tamper-proof, to protect the content from being distributed in a non-encrypted form. When you think about it, there is no obvious way to keep users from turning pages, taking screenshots, and using optical character recognition software, so our black box must be as large and all-encompassing as possible. The ideal black box would plug into your modem, and include a monitor and a pair of speakers, so you could not copy the content in a trivial way.
その他の回答 (2)
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
一番です、回答文に間違いがありましたので、訂正いたします。 Personal computer is totally black box for me. 又は、 Personal computer is just like black box for me.
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
「black box」→動詞化して→「black box」→「black boxed」は現に使われています。動名詞で「blackboxing」、、、、、、、但し、辞書には載っていませんが。 ~~~~ mechanism is perfectly black boxed. 普通に名詞として、、、、、、、、 Persona computer is totally black box fpr me.