"The United States will face a resurgent Russia whose future orientation is uncertain and a rapidly growing *China* that must be integrated into the international system.
Our relationship with *China* will be the most important bilateral relationship in the world in this century. The United States and *China* have vastly different values and political systems, yet even though we disagree profoundly on issues ranging from trade to human rights, religious freedom, labor practices, and Tibet, there is much that the United States and *China* can and must accomplish together. *China's* support was important in reaching a deal to disable North Korea's nuclear facilities. We should build on this framework to establish a Northeast Asian security regime.
But *China's* rise is also creating new challenges. The *Chinese* have finally begun to realize that their rapid economic growth is coming at a tremendous environmental price. The United States should undertake a joint program with *China* and Japan to develop new clean-energy sources, promote greater energy efficiency, and combat climate change. This program would be part of an overall energy policy that would require a dramatic reduction in U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
We must persuade *China* to join global institutions and support international rules by building on areas where our interests converge and working to narrow our differences. Although the United States must stand ready to challenge *China* when its conduct is at odds with U.S. vital interests, we should work for a cooperative future.
Our interests in Africa are strategic, not just humanitarian. They include al Qaeda's efforts to seek safe havens in failed states in the Horn of Africa and the growing competition with other global players, including *China*, for Africa's natural resources.
Rapidly emerging countries, such as *China*, will not curb their own carbon emissions until the United States has demonstrated a serious commitment to reducing its own through a market-based cap-and-trade approach.
Finally, we must create formal links between the International Energy Agency and *China* and India and create an "E-8" international forum modeled on the G-8. This group would be comprised of the world's major carbon-emitting nations and hold an annual summit devoted to international ecological and resource issues."
ありがとうございます。 やっぱ「これ」といった根拠はないんですね。