- ベストアンサー
- 規約改正に伴い、文化交流委員会の設立と役員の変更が行われました。
- 長年のご尽力に感謝し、今後も顧問としての援助・支援をお願いいたします。
- 委員会の業務については事項に記載されています。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
少しばかりの訂正と、パラグラフ区切りを According to the latest change in the committee article, "International Business Committee" and "Cultural Exchange Committee" were combined and renamed as "Cultural Exchange Committee” (The detail is as mentioned on next page). was → were At the election of officer member, the Chairperson Mr.XXXXX, who worked since from 2003, made an honorable retirement. Mr.RRRRR was newly elected as third Chairperson. Taking this opportunity, we would like to send our respective salutation to the ex-Chairperson Mr.XXXXX for his remarkable and devoted activity to the Committee during his term of office. Same time, we hope he would stay with us as an honorary advisers and assist our organization.
その他の回答 (1)
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
よく分かる英文だと思います、少しばかり違う書き方をしましたので、もし使えそうならご遠慮なくお使い下さい。 (一寸ばかし堅苦しくしております) 尚、最後の方は一寸力抜けています(ご免なさい) According to the latest change in the committee article, "International Business Committee" and "Cultural Exchange Committee" was combined and renamed as "Cultural Exchange Committee”(The detail is as mentioned on next page). At the election of officer member, the Chairperson Mr. XXXXX, who worked since his position from 2003, made an honorable retirement. New Chairperson Mr. RRRRR was elected as our third Chairperson. Taking this opportunity, we would like to send our respective salutation to the ex-Chairperson Mr.XXXXX for his remarkable and devoted activity to the Committee during his term of office. Same time, we hope he would work to assist us as an advisory position. 勇退 honorable [honourable] retirement わざわざこんな堅苦しいのを使わないでもと思いましたが、一応知ってることを自慢したくて(爆)
ご回答、添削頂き大変嬉しく思います。 丁寧に書いて頂きとても勉強になりました。 会報はまだまだ翻訳が出来ていないのですが頑張ります。 有難うございました。