Your item Dark Cinematic Percussion Loop 1 isn't quite ready for AudioJungle. This is the reason given by our item inspector:
This File Requires Some Improvements / Fixes
Unfortunately, your preview file does not contain the AudioJungle watermark to prevent copyright infringement. Please overlay the watermark on preview files in the future before submitting them. You may download the watermark here: http://support.envato.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/298/0/do-i-have-to-watermark-my-files/ . Thank you for taking the time to submit content to AudioJungle.
Unfortunately your submission was not in the correct format. All submissions must have an audio resolution of 16-Bit Stereo, with a sample rate of 44.1kHz. All main files in mp3 format must have a bit rate of 320kbps. There are no exceptions to this rule. Please bounce/export your audio again making sure your file is in the correct format as per our requirements. Thank you for understanding.
Finally, your wav version is slightly different to your mp3 version - there is a "hit"/snare right at the start of the wav that is not present in the mp3. Please ensure all your files are identical, thanks!
You can edit your file and have it reviewed again at http://audiojungle.net/item/dark-cinematic-percussion-loop-1/2593175
When you visit this page, click the EDIT link and submit your updated file, ensuring you have made all changes requested. Always let the reviewer know exactly what parts of your file have been updated in the "Message to reviewer" field. Please DO NOT resubmit your item as a brand new upload. You MUST use the aforementioned link to resubmit your file.
If you wish to discuss this decision further, please submit a support ticket by visiting http://audiojungle.net/support
Your reviewer was scottwills.