It is difficult to know just how much of an impact such small, individual efforts will have. However, with the future of the world in the balance, we owe it to our children to leave it with as little further damage possible.
"we owe it to our children" の中の"it"は、何を指しますか?形式目的語で "to leave"以下を指してるのかと思いましたが、それだと意味がつながらない気がします:to leave以下をすることが子供たちに責任がある。??
"to leave it"の中の"it"は、模範訳からすると"the future of the world"のようですが、そうするとまず最初に "with the future of the world in the balance"と出しているのには、文法上どういう意味があるのでしょうか?(具体的に言うと、withの意味が分からないです。)
関連部分を抜き出しで記します。 An American woman living in Japan described in an article on bilingual education the radically different meaning of the English word "bilingual" versus its Japnese equivalent bairingaru. Listening to her hairdresser in Japan gush over how wonderful it was that the American educator's children were growing up with two languages, she could not help recalling that just a few weeks earlier she had heard the word "bilingual" used in California to describe children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The American teacher had homed in on an important but often neglected aspect of language learning, something called "enabling environment." The simple fact is that English enjoys enormous prestige in Japan. In homes here, adults who have learned English are pointed to as role models for children studying English at schools. 教育の世界でよく使われる言葉なのでしょうか。単に「外国語を勉強すればいいことがあるとか、あるいは何かインセンティブを与えられてやる気の出る環境」というような意味でしょうか。