- 締切済み
My community, people who love Disney’s contents seem to be happy. Disneyland, Disney movies, Disney songs, and so on, generally give people a positive mind and we recognize it. There is research shows that people who love Disney can live longer. Disney fanatics have optimism. They live with happy and positive content produced by Disney company more than other people. This theory is shown in an article. (Bailee Abell “People Who Loves Disney Can Live Longer Lives, Study Shows” -Inside the Magic.com) Besides, there is another reason. Being a member of a community means to keep connected. Disney fanatics in Japan tend to make friends with each other. To socialize and keep close to people who have the same hobby makes them happy because they can talk about what they love. There is an interesting study that shows people who are more connected to the community are happier.(Robert Waldinger “About Happiness”) As another reason for considering that Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy, exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort can be mentioned. There is a lot of types of jobs in Tokyo Disney Parks. Workers in the park called 'casts'. Casts work after the visitors leave and before the visitors come even in the late night or the early morning. Thanks to these casts, people who come to the park can feel comfortable there. If there are elements of concern even just a little, people are there without relieves. People never see any trash on the roads, people do not have to beware of some crimes, but the casts secure the park so that everyone can have fun. It is clear to see why Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy with these theories.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)
以下のとおり、お訳・説明・添削文を併記する形で、お答えします。 >My community, people who love Disney’s contents seem to be happy. Disneyland, Disney movies, Disney songs, and so on, generally give people a positive mind and we recognize it. There is research shows that people who love Disney can live longer. Disney fanatics have optimism. ☆research:これは、a piece of research、または、単にaをつけてa research ~「(~ということを示す)1つの研究調査(がある)」としましょう。(不加算名詞ですが、a researchとする使い形もありえます。) ⇒My community, people who love Disney’s contents, seem to be happy. Disneyland, Disney movies, Disney songs, and so on, generally give people a positive mind and we recognize it. There is a research shows that people who love Disney can live longer. Disney fanatics have optimism. >They live with happy and positive content produce by Disney company more than other people. This theory is shown in an article. (Bailee Abell “People Who Loves Disney Can Live Longer Lives, Study Shows” -Inside the Magic.com) ☆They live with happy and positive content produced by ~:この部分、feelの現在分詞構文を使って、They live, feeling more happy and positive with the contents produced by ~「彼らは、~によって制作されたコンテンツについてより幸福でよりポジティブであることを感じながら暮らしている」と変更するのはいかがでしょうか。 ⇒They live, feeling more happy and positive with the contents, produced by Disney company than other people. (…) >Besides, there is another reason. Being a member of a community means to keep connected. Disney fanatics in Japan tend to make friends with each other. To socialize and keep close to people who have the same hobby makes them happy because they can talk about what they love. ☆この部分は完璧だと思います! >There is an interesting study that shows people who are more connected to the community are happier.(Robert Waldinger “About Happiness”) As another reason for considering that Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy, exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort can be mentioned. ☆exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort can be mentioned:この部分、非文ではないと思いますが、「頭でっかち文」ですね。普通にweを主語にして、we can mention exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort「私たちは東京ディズニーリゾートの徹底的なセキュリティと清潔さについて言及することができる」とすることもアリですね。 ⇒(…) As another reason for considering that Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy, we can mention exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort. >There is a lot of types of jobs in Tokyo Disney Parks. Workers in the park called 'casts'. Casts work after the visitors leave and before the visitors come even in the late night or the early morning. Thanks to these casts, people who come to the park can feel comfortable there. ☆There is a lot of types:There are a lot of typesと複数形で言います。 Workers in the park called 'casts'.:受動態でしょうから、Workers in the park are called 'casts'.「公園の労働者は『キャスト』と呼ばれる」とすべきところだと思います。 ⇒There are a lot of types of jobs in Tokyo Disney Parks. Workers in the park are called 'casts'. Casts work after the visitors leave and before the visitors come even in the late night or the early morning. Thanks to these casts, people who come to the park can feel comfortable there. >If there are elements of concern even just a little, people are there without relieves. People never see any trash on the roads, people do not have to beware of some crimes, but the casts secure the park so that everyone can have fun. It is clear to see why Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy with these theories. ☆people do not have to beware of some crimes, but ~:この部分は、peopleを反復するより、直接にnorで繋ぐのがいいでしょう。nor have to beware of some crimes, because ~「(人々はまた)犯罪に気をつける必要もない。なぜなら~」 ⇒Even if there are elements of concern just a little, people are there without relieves. People never see any trash on the roads, nor have to beware of some crimes, because the casts secure the park so that everyone can have fun. (…)