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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:メインポイントはなんだと思いますか?)

Negative Effects of Shopping Malls

  • Shopping malls have had a significant impact on American life, but not all of it has been positive. Many small businesses have been forced to close as larger corporations take their customers. This has led to fewer independently owned businesses and less local control over jobs. Additionally, malls have negative effects on the environment, often being built on important land for animals and replacing trees and grass with buildings and parking lots. Furthermore, malls are typically located far from town centers, resulting in increased air pollution and heavy traffic.
  • The rise of shopping malls in America has had both positive and negative consequences. On one hand, they have transformed the shopping experience for many Americans, providing a wide range of shops and services in one place. However, the dominance of large corporations in malls has led to the closure of many smaller businesses, reducing local job opportunities and individual entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the construction of malls on valuable land has resulted in the destruction of natural habitats and contributed to the loss of biodiversity. Additionally, the reliance on cars to access malls has increased air pollution and traffic congestion in surrounding areas.
  • Shopping malls have become a central feature of American consumer culture, offering convenience and a wide variety of choices for consumers. However, their impact has not been entirely positive. The presence of large corporations in malls has led to the decline of small, independently-owned businesses and reduced local control over jobs. Moreover, the development of malls often comes at the expense of natural habitats, as they are frequently built on important land for the environment. Additionally, the location of malls outside of town centers contributes to increased car usage, resulting in higher levels of air pollution and traffic congestion.


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追記。 演習問題で「メインポイント」を問われているのですか? だとすると,3つのポイントが並列していますので,1つ(メイン)は答えにくいです。 もし「何字以内の日本語で要約せよ」みたいに問われているのなら, ショッピング・モール(郊外型大型店舗)は,米国の生活様式も変えたが,次の弊害もあった。大資本が小規模商店を閉店に追い込み,大敷地面積が自然を破壊し,郊外に交通混雑と大気汚染をもたらしたことである。 句読点を含み98字。よっしゃ(笑)!

その他の回答 (2)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)



While shopping malls changed American life, not all of their effects have been positive. 典型的な「結論先行型」。一文で要約しろといわれれば,ここでしょうね。 Most of the shops and services found in malls are parts of large corpora- tions. These businesses have taken away customers from smaller shops in the area and forced them to close. That has meant fewer individually owned businesses and less local control over jobs 経済学で「大型店舗(法律)」を勉強していれば常識。かんたんにいえば「ガリバーがこ小人をつぶす」。 In addition, malls are harmful to the environment. They have sometime been built on land that is important for the survival of animals. Wherever they are built, they cover large areas with buildings and parking lots- instead of trees or grass. Thus, they contribute to the general loss of nature. 環境論・開発論の常識。大敷地面積を必要とし,環境を破壊する。 And finally, malls are usually far from any town center, so people must use cars to get there. This results in increased air pollution and heavy traffic on the roads near the mall これも環境論のバリエーション。郊外立地型で交通渋滞が発生し,排気ガスによる大気汚染も起こる。