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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文翻訳をお願いします。)

The Power of Bulgarian Barrage

  • The Romanian batteries were unable to effectively respond to the Bulgarian attack due to lack of coordination and low ammunition stocks.
  • The Bulgarian barrage was so powerful that it even deceived General Teodorescu into thinking that it was executed by 30.5 cm cannons.
  • The sporadic fire from the Romanian batteries ceased immediately after the Bulgarians opened fire at them.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)

>The Romanian batteries tried to respond, but the effort was not well coordinated; their sporadic fire (indicating low stocks of ammunition) wasn't aimed at the heavy batteries of the attackers, and their fire ceased immediately after the Bulgarians opened fire at them. The power of the Bulgarian barrage even deceived General Teodorescu into believing that it was executed by 30.5 cm cannons, when in fact there were none. ⇒ルーマニア軍の砲兵隊は対応しようとしたけれども、取り組みがうまく調整されなかった。彼らの(弾薬の在庫が少ないことを示す)散発的砲撃は、攻撃者の重砲火に向けられず、しかもブルガリア軍が彼らに対する砲撃を始めたすぐ後に、彼らの砲火が止まった。ブルガリア軍の集中砲火のパワーは、実のところ(火器が)何もない時でも、テオドレスク将軍を欺いて30.5cmの巨大砲で砲撃が行われていると信じさせるほどだった。


