" Hi, I'd like to buy this coat and receive it in Japan. But I couldn't put my Japanese shipping address at the purchasing order entry as US is the only selectable country there. Is it only available for US domestic delivery? Or any chance to buy it from Japan? I purchased a cap and a backpack at your shop before and I could select Japan as a country to ship. I can pay by PayPal as quickly as I did at my previous purchases. Please give me some advice how I could buy your nice coat in Japan. That would be greatly appreciated."
"Can I buy the coat from Japan? I couldn't select Japan as a shipping country. I could do that when I shopped a cap and a backpack at your shop before. I love the coat, so please help me."
ご丁寧にありがとうございます。 1. Online shopですが大規模なOnline Shopではなく個人でやってるフリーマーケットのようなショップです。 2. キャップやバックパックを同じ人から購入しました。 3. コートは特定のコートで決済画面まで進んで発送地域を選択したところ今回はUnited Statesのみしか選択できなかったので日本までこのコートを発送できるかお聞きしたかったのです。 詳細な部分を省いてしまい申し訳ございません。 上記の英文でも問題ないでしょうか?