• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語に訳してください!!)


  • 三か月間の遠距離恋愛で辛い思いをしたけど、やっと会えて本当に嬉しかった。感謝の気持ちを伝えるとともに、別れのメッセージも含めて送ります。
  • 遠くにいるあなたに対して、いつかどこかで再び会えることを祈っています。東京で頑張ってほしいという思いも込めて、感謝と別れのメッセージを送ります。
  • 寒くなる季節に風邪ひかないように気を付けてほしいとの祈りを込めて、遠距離の恋愛で感謝と別れのメッセージを送ります。またいつかどこかで会えることを願っています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • angel2015
  • ベストアンサー率21% (126/590)

How are you? June 18, I started taking you for the first time contact. Then the thing, I told a lot of things. In long distance in Japan and three months between Sweden, we were able to meet finally on October 1. When you first met, and I think you were lonely a very anxiety not appear quite, it did not stop the tears in the joy that you meet at last. . Tokyo It 's long distance even in Fukushima, I tough it is not meet after all. I want you to work hard life and school of Tokyo. I also, next year I move to Tokyo Someday I hope that you can meet with you and somewhere. I'm sorry you worry a lot. It was really good to have met you. Thank you for your irreplaceable time. The last gift from me is a mug. Because now it gets cold, but please be careful not to catch a cold. Also somewhere someday. goodbye

