• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文章から質問が二つあります。)

Why Do Foreign Residents Come to Japan? Find Out Their Reasons

  • Discover the various reasons why foreign residents choose to come to Japan. From studying Japanese culture to martial arts, teaching English, or pursuing a relationship, there are numerous motivations. However, my reason for coming to Japan was unexpected: a university timetable.
  • Is the word 'for' necessary after 'reason why' in the sentence? Find out the answer and learn how to use it correctly. Additionally, explore alternative ways to express the idea of 'some...some...but others...' as seen in the paragraph. Gain a better understanding of these usages.
  • In this paragraph from a past essay in Weekly ST, different motivations for coming to Japan are discussed. Some individuals are interested in Japanese culture, while others focus on martial arts. However, there are also those who come to teach English or due to a romantic relationship. The author's unique reason for coming to Japan, unrelated to the mentioned options, is revealed as well.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。reason for why のforはあってもなくてもいいですか?  はい、無い方がいいと思います。 2。「~の人もいれば、~の人もいる、しかしまた~の人もいる」こういう文を書きたい時、some~, some~, but others~.という形も使えますか?  はい、前もって構成するとそうなります。その時の即興でつけたりを重ねると、ご質問の文のようになりますが、それが自然な時もあります。


