- ベストアンサー
トナー返却ボックスについて コピー機横に使用済みトナーを入れる箱が 置いてありますが、この中にコピー用紙の包み紙を捨てているのを見つけました。この箱はトナー回収の為にあります。コピー用紙の包み紙はゴミ箱に捨てて頂けますようお願いします。皆さんの協力をお願い致します。
- みんなの回答 (4)
- 専門家の回答
About a toner return box. The box which puts a used toner next to the copy machine. It was put, but I found that wrapping paper of xerographic paper is being thrown away during this. There is this box for toner collection. Wrapping paper of xerographic paper would like to ask a trash can to throw it away. Everyone's cooperation, please.
その他の回答 (3)
訳しますとすでに回答されている方の内容がベターです。 以下は張り紙にする際の一例です。張り紙の場合は長く書くと焦点がぼけます。 他のゴミ箱へ、包み紙が見つかった云々は省略しました。 TONER CARTRIDGE ONLY DO NOT put anything in this box except TONER CARTRIDGE. This box is only for TONER CARTRIDGE for recycling purpose. Your cooperation is appreciated.
- cbm51901
- ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)
USE OF TONER CATRTIDGE RECYCLE BOX A box placed next to the photocopier is for collecting used toner cartridges only. A wrapping paper for the copy papers was found discarded in the box recently. The box is for used cartridge recycle only. If you have trash papers to throw away, you must use the trash box. Thank you for your undertanding and cooperation.
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
On the use of the box for returning the toner. There is a box by the printer for the purpose of placing used toners. This is not a waste box, e.g., to be used for discarding wrappers for copying paper. Please use the waste box for copying paper wrappings. Your cooperation is appreciated.