In Japan, it is not so important to have boys as it used to. Still, it is somewhat preferred to have a boy if he is the first child of the family because the first son often carries on the family name and succeeds the family business. On the other hand, if one already has the first son, they do not usually have strong inclination to have another boy. Today, either sex is welcomed.
. . . if one already has the first son, he does not usually have . . . というのが従来の英語でしたが、heを嫌うために、ここを複数のtheyにするというのが、最近の英語の1つのやり方です。
最後のToday, either sex is welcomed.は、first sonにも適用されるかどうか、曖昧な文になっていますので、それをfirst sonも含むとしたい場合は
Today, either sex is welcomed even if it is the first child.
Today, either sex is welcomed if it is not the first child.