His mother was a sturdy squat short dumpy woman with thick shoulders, crow black hair, and bright glossy black eyes like little currents in her face. She had a clear brown and ruddy complexion. She was intellectual in her way but stormy, angry and not very diplomatic. Though she improved as she got older. She liked jewelry and had something with blue or green precious stones in it, a valuable and beautiful piece she often wore, sapphire and emerald probably. Liked money and valuables. She usually spoke the truth however brutally, and valued truth and straight forwardness in her children and others. She was interested in the mysterious and in fortune telling. Witty, hasty rash, superstitious, a free spirit, aiming at all things, undertaking anything that took her fancy. Bright sparkling lively, a good and interesting talker, full of chatter. She lived a double life. Your future partner probably only saw the mother and housewife side of her and missed much of her true character and life as children often do His mother was bright when a young woman she was like a flame, who attracted others. He had a happy childhood home, and lived in the world of a child, there were no attempts from his mother to make him assume an adult role, or to detract from the carefree wonders of childhood. His parents burdens adult life and hidden worries never intruded or spilled over. One of the childhood memories that may have stuck in his mind was of a house being re roofed. Someone in his household may have worked as a roof builder, or maybe the roof became dangerous. His mother was generous to her children
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