• 締切済み


この英文の和訳・文法チェックをお願いします。 I'll live my life to the fullest so that I would have no regrets even if I died. (いつ死んでも後悔しないように、日々を精一杯生きる。)



NO2で示した例題は構文が違うのでよくないが、下記の文章であれば納得してもらえるでしょう。 http://www.bianc.net/government_and_policy/current_issues_and_pending_legislation/index.html Recent Issues and Pending Legislation - Brain Injury Association of ... The recommendations shall be tailored so that, if implemented, services would be available to service members, veterans, and their families and would consist ...


I have no regret even if I die. (Zero conditonal) I will have no reget even if I die. (1st conditional) I would have no regret even if I died. (2nd conditonal) 意味の違いはあれど、1stも2ndも仮定法であるが故に、未来のことでも過去のことを話しているわけではない。ifをwhenと置き換えが出来るZero Conditionalと時制は同じだと思う。 故に、 I'll live my life to the fullest so that I have no regret even if I die. と、 I'll live my life to the fullest so that I would have no regret even if I died. は同じ時制と解釈となるはずですよね。 正しい文章であると思いますよ。 11:15 a.m. Hank Coxe ・・・・・ I will assure you if I were standing where you are, behind that podium, I would be pointing out the same issues and making this precise argument because they fit the facts of this case." Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/2014-02-12/story/3-former-fla-bar-presidents-testify-jacksonville-attorney-kelly-mathis#ixzz2vqUN4qKN

  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

I'll live my life to the fullest so that I have no regrets when I die. I'll live my life to the fullest so that I'll have no regrets when I die. のどちらかだと思います。