Day after day, we have new news of a famous man who has done unspeakably stupid and offensive things to women ... for decades. Society is, somewhat belatedly, starting to take these accusations seriously.
But change is needed at the opposite end of the fame spectrum. In particular, how we raise our kids. Coaches still call boys "ladies" when they want to inflict an emotional barb, moms tell their boys to "man up" (no one ever says "woman up"). Adult men feel free to tell a teenage girl, "Why aren't you a cheerleader? You're too pretty to be an athlete." I heard about that one yesterday.
Here's the kicker: I'm a guy. I live in a state that is considered the anti-Alabama by the rest of the country. And yet all this stuff persists. My spouse and I talk about all this with our boys, who are similarly outraged, but I hear such ignorant stuff from their friends -- who are growing up in supposedly "progressive" households -- that I kinda despair for any real change. I'm not looking for advice so much as a spoonful of hope.
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