• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:三重の挟殺事件はなんか不可解ではないですか?)


  • 三重の挟殺事件はなぜ不可解なのか?疑問が残る要素を考えてみると、ラインを送っていた点や他の人の指紋がスマホにあった点が挙げられます。
  • 事件の中での決め手となる情報とは逆に、淡白な言葉や絵文字の使用がないことも注目すべきポイントです。
  • また、犯人の逃走についても疑問があります。金銭的な問題や身近な人間との関係性を考慮すると、近所の人物による犯行の可能性が高いと言えるでしょう。


  • ベストアンサー
  • E-1077
  • ベストアンサー率25% (3258/12620)

 あくまでも個人的な推測ですよね?c3jなら絵文字を使うはずだという思い込みが私からすれば変。  淡白なメールもあり得ますよ。とりあえずは急いで今から戻るって伝えるだけに絵文字は使わないだろうし、いつもの文章ならすぐに出てくるし・・・・・。    親に送るなら、で、私が親で受け取ったなら「絵文字入れてる場合じゃなくかえって来いよ!」になります。  どこにメールしていたのかを確認しただけなのでは?  警察に通報なんかされていたりしたら、犯人にとっては不利ですからね。    




その他の回答 (2)

  • tutan-desu
  • ベストアンサー率21% (1009/4652)




David McCandless describes data as the “new soil” since it’s a fertile medium that nurtures flowers of understanding. He creates aesthetically pleasing infographics that use shapes and colors to show patterns and connections in data, such as a 3D timeline called “Mountains Out of Molehills” that shows how non-issues (such as the Y2K bug) receive excessive coverage in the media during periods when there is no major news. McCandless is a London-based author, designer and self-described data journalist who runs the blog Information Is Beautiful. He has contributed articles and graphic designs to dozens of international publications, including Wired and The Guardian. He designs data sets and graphic elements in unexpected ways, such as mapping the number of drug deaths reported in the UK media each year against the number of actual deaths. As a designer and wordsmith, McCandless is able to describe how combining the language of the eye with the language of the mind enhances our understanding of complex data. He believes that the Web has turned us all into visualizers for whom processing graphic information is effortless. According to McCandless, data visualization is becoming increasingly important because it enables knowledge compression, allowing an enormous amount of information to be packed into a small space.

  • key00001
  • ベストアンサー率34% (2878/8340)

[?]は付いてますけど、何が質問なんですかね? シロウトの推理を開陳したいだけの様にも見えますが。 「気の毒な殺人事件を、オモチャにしない方が良い」と回答しておきます。



David McCandless describes data as the “new soil” since it’s a fertile medium that nurtures flowers of understanding. He creates aesthetically pleasing infographics that use shapes and colors to show patterns and connections in data, such as a 3D timeline called “Mountains Out of Molehills” that shows how non-issues (such as the Y2K bug) receive excessive coverage in the media during periods when there is no major news. McCandless is a London-based author, designer and self-described data journalist who runs the blog Information Is Beautiful. He has contributed articles and graphic designs to dozens of international publications, including Wired and The Guardian. He designs data sets and graphic elements in unexpected ways, such as mapping the number of drug deaths reported in the UK media each year against the number of actual deaths. As a designer and wordsmith, McCandless is able to describe how combining the language of the eye with the language of the mind enhances our understanding of complex data. He believes that the Web has turned us all into visualizers for whom processing graphic information is effortless. According to McCandless, data visualization is becoming increasingly important because it enables knowledge compression, allowing an enormous amount of information to be packed into a small space.
