• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳していただけないでしょうか? 長いです。)


  • ペットと赤ちゃんを遊ばせることはいいことか悪いのか?犬と一緒に育った赤ちゃんは元気に育ち、健康になるという医学誌の報告があります。
  • ペットと遊ぶことにより、動物を好きになり、生物を大事にできるようになると思われます。
  • ペットを飼うことは責任が伴い、最後まできちんと育てる責任を持つべきだと考えられます。


  • ベストアンサー
  • humongous
  • ベストアンサー率100% (3/3)

Overseas medical journals emphasize that infants that grow up with dogs around them are less likely to get sick from ear and thoat infections and tend to grow up more healthy. The more a dog moves in and out of the house the healthier a baby gets. Researchers hypothesize that babies develope more robust immune system when exposed to germs that dogs bring in from outside. I believe dogs can be good playmate when parents are too busy to play with their babies. Playing with pets nurtures affinity toward animals and they grow up to value life in general. Thus, having pets around infants when they are growing up is a good idea. I would like to show you a video of an infant playing with a dog. As you may have experienced, we feel warmth inside, and it certainly has a good impact on child development. Speaking of pets, what is your favorite animals. Statistically, these are the top ten favorites. I apologize for deviating from the orginal subject. However, I would like to say one thing. While having pets is a wonderful thing, it comes with certain obligations, financial or otherwise, which often result in pets being sent to pounds. We should have a strong sense of responsibility to help our pets fulfill their lives. 「ペットと人間の赤ちゃんを遊ばせることはいいことか悪いのか?」と始まりながら、「ペットを買うなら最後まできちんと育てる責任を持つべきだと思います。」が結論になっているのはかなり問題だと思いますが、ご自覚されているようなので。


