I am thinking of buying this item.
Is this an authentic product?
May I ask you to enclose a receipt or something that proves its authenticity?
Would you mind offering a discount price if I make a regular purchase, say a couple of pairs per day?
Do you have any other series of items available in the product lineup?
Tell me the total duty price when you ship the items to Japan?
** 「商品」を"items"とか"product"とかいろいろ言っていますが、すでに明示した個別の商品の場合"item"を使うようにして下さい。"product"の場合は、定義が少し広くなります。
I am thinking of purchasing your goods.
Is this item of goods a regular product?
Is it possible for you to enclose written certificates such as a receipt in the same parcel?
If I purchase your goods regularly (for example, if I purchase several pairs of shoes per day), could you decrease the selling price a little more?
Also, are you dealing in other brands?
If you ship them to Japan, how much does it cost in total, including customs duty?
I'd appreciate it if you would answer my questions above.
Thank you in advance.