Villages and towns, and even cities, have all long been thought to exist to serve the needs of the rural economy. Production took place on farms and in other *settings outside of towns or city. These same places, where humans came together to buy and sell, and to live close to *one another, could sell the ”primary producer“ *(the farmer, the rancher, the fisherman, etc.) the various tools needed for production *(*whether it be plows, cutting t ools fishixg nets or something else). As towns and cities were a place of economic activity, it is easy to see them as supporting t “primary industries” of the nearby rural areas. Even the language we use supports the traditional understanding of relations between urban and rural economic activity. We refer above to “primary producer” and to “primary industries” ー both experssions put rural activities ahead of urban activities.
・one anotherの指すもの
The idea that towns and cities exist to support the activities of rural areas is not only a concept of economists. In the fields of politics, history and cultural anthropology, the town or city is often seen to be secondary to the rural area. We read and hear expressions lile *rural base or *grass roots, and in Japan, we hear the word furusato. Some people seem to think that our relationship to the city is very new and not very meaningful. To understand people, some believe we have to know where they came from, before they arrived in the city. Only when we know about their roots , aboup their furusato, do we think we truly know them.
・rural base と grass rootsの訳
grass rootsは一般大衆や草の根と
Although most people still think traditionaly, and still believe that rural life comes first and town life comes second, some writers have questioned this longーheld idea. The Americanーborn, Canadian writer Jane Jacobs was the first among to say that the relationship was just the opposite. Her book, The Economy of Cities, made others think more deeply about and question the idea that the rural sector determines the writings of Jacobs, but even so, her writing has created an onーgoing reevaluation of the traditional economic relationship between cities and rural areas.
・long held idea は長く保たれている考え
In the 1960s, Jacobs began to asser that neither the rural economy nor the nation state is the primary motivating force in economic development. Rather it is the city that moves the general economic forward. In these assertions she opposed traditional thinking in a wide range of fields. Her revolutionary assertion, that cities are primary, continues to influence the thinking of economist and other social scientists ー whether they agree with her or not.
・a wide range of freldsの訳
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