• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【至急】この文を英訳してください!)


  • いきものがかりは日本で人気のあるグループで、メンバーは3人います。
  • 彼らのグループ名である「いきものがかり」とは、英語で’(生き物係という単語)’という意味です。
  • 彼らの曲は、どれも素晴らしいものばかりです。もし聴いたことがないなら、ぜひ一度聴いてみてください!


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

I am now going to introduce to you my favorite Japanese artists. My favorite artists are the members of a band called "Ikimmonogakari". It is a popular band and it consists of three members. Please look at this photograph. The girl in the middle is the singer while the two men on each side plays the guitar. The band name "Ikimmonogakari" means "Group responsible for living creatures" in Engllish. The name was chosen because the three had all been assigned to Ikimonogakari when they were in primary school. They were unknown at first but the quality of their songs brought them to fame. It is now five years since they made a major debut. All of their songs are brilliant. If any of you have not heard their songs, please check it out. I am certain that you will be captivated by "Ikimonogakari". p.s. 私も「いきものがかり」大好きです。 特に「じょいふる」と「ありがとう」が。。。



いきものがかりが好きな方に 訳してもらえて嬉しいです(*^^*) じょいふる も ありがとう も 大好きです!