But the three essentials that run throughout all manifestations of anarchists ideology are definitely there- anti-satatism, anti-capitalism and prefigurative politics[i.e modes of organization that consciously resemble the world you want create. Or, as an anarchist historian of ideas but the facts of futere itself". This is present in anything from jamming collectives and on to lndy media, all of which can be called anarchist in the newer sense. In some countries, there is only a very limited degree of confluence between the two coexisting generations, mostly taking the form of following what each other is doing- but not much more.
> But the three essentials that run throughout all manifestations of anarchists ideology are definitely there - anti-statism, anti-capitalism and prefigurative politics[i.e modes of organization that consciously resemble the world you want create.
しかしアナーキズムのイデオロギーのすべての運動をとおして通底する3つの要素が確かにそこに存在している -- 反国家主義、反資本主義、若者志向 (これは自分たちが創造したい社会を意識的に模倣した組織形態だ) である。
> Or, as an anarchist historian of ideas but the facts of future itself".
> This is present in anything from jamming collectives on to lndy media, all of which can be called anarchist in the newer sense.
> In some countries, there is only a very limited degree of confluence between the two coexisting generations, mostly taking the form of following what each other is doing - but not much more.
いくつかの国では、2つの共存する世代の間に非常に狭い重なり合いがあるだけであり、ほとんどの場合、互いに他方が何をしているかを把握してはいるが -- しかし、それ以上ではない。