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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英作文の問題です よろしければ添削お願い致します)

国王夫妻が皇居で晩餐会に出席 ブータンの幸福度に疑問

  • ヒマラヤのブータンの国王夫妻が水曜日に東京の皇居で開かれた晩餐会に出席しました。国の名前を聞いたことがあったけど、どこにあるか分かりません。世論調査で幸せと回答する国民が多いことで有名です。
  • 国王夫妻がテレビで来ているのを見ましたが、ブータンという国のことはよく知りませんでした。世論調査で幸福度が高い国というのは聞いたことがあります。
  • 水曜日、ヒマラヤのブータンの国王夫妻が東京の皇居で晩餐会に出席しました。ブータンは幸福度が高く、多くの国民が幸せと回答していることで知られています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • caocao13
  • ベストアンサー率60% (3/5)

Before I give you grammatical advice to each single sentence, I would like to give you general comments on how to construct an essay. I am not sure where the question is from, but most of the time, essays to any question like that should have a clear statement which has a clear position followed by some supporting reasons. So in your case, I recommend that you first start your essay by raising a question such as: The other day, I watched TV and learned that the king and queen of the Himalayan nation of Bhutan attended a state banquet at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo on Wednesday. I have heard the nation's name, but I don't know where it is. However, according to a poll many of the citizens of the nation feel happy about their everyday life. Then I have come to a question that we, the Japanese people, who are much richer economically, really feel mentally happy about their life. Why do the Himalayan feel happy even though there are not economically rich? (This part is called "intruduction" where you raise a question or issue to discuss. Then you move on to the "body" where you give 2 or 3 reasons to answer the questions you raised. Then finally in "conclusion" you insist on your opinion) Body: In my opinion in order to feel happy, we need... It is also important ... Conclusion: Therefore I strongly believe that ...



ご回答ありがとうございました。 文法+文の構成ということですね。 意識して頑張ります。 according to many of the citizens feel mentally happy などなど、沢山ご指摘ありがとうございました。 御礼申し上げます。