- 締切済み
以下の文には10個の大文字、小文字、カンマ、ピリオド、スペルのミスがあるのですが、 10個見当たりません。 どなたか教えて下さい。 The Chinese New Year Celebration is 15 days long. The Chinese clean their homes and decorate two. They also buy new clothes and prepare plenty of food. The big celebration start on new year's eve. First, they have a big dinner with plenty of food. There are always special foods like a whole fish chiken and long noodles for long life. After dinner, the whole family sits up for the night. They play games, or watch television. Finally there are fireworks all over the sky at midnight.
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- cbm51910
- ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)
了解致しました。では質問者様の chi[c]ken のスペルミスを含めると間違いは 10+1 = 11 になるということですね。 恐らく11個目の間違いは、Chinese New Year [c]elebration ではないかとおもいます。 Chinese New Year は固有名詞みたいなものですが、その後に来る名詞は小文字で良いと思います。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/Chinese+New+Year/UTF-8/ The Chinese New Year [c]elebration is 15 days long. The Chinese clean their homes and decorate [too]. They also buy new clothes and prepare plenty of food. The big celebration start[s] on [N]ew [Y]ear's [E]ve. First, they have a big dinner with plenty of food. There are always special foods like a whole fish[,] chi[c]ken[,] and long noodles for long life. After dinner, the whole family sits up for the night. They play games[ ] or watch television. Finally[,] there are fireworks all over the sky at midnight.
- cbm51910
- ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)
The Chinese New Year Celebration is 15 days long. The Chinese clean their homes and decorate [too]. They also buy new clothes and prepare plenty of food. The big celebration start[s] on [N]ew [Y]ear's [E]ve. First, they have a big dinner with plenty of food. There are always special foods like a whole fish[,] chi[c]ken[,] and long noodles for long life. After dinner, the whole family sits up for the night. They play games[ ] or watch television. Finally[,] there are fireworks all over the sky at midnight. #1さんの補足として1、2点訂正です。 単語の追加は指定されていないと思うので、" decorate THEM TOO " の THEM はカウントしないとします。すると間違いが9個になってしまうので、どこか他を探してみると、ありました。 " a whole fish OR chiCken and long noodles " です。 ここを、" a whole fish[,] chi[c]ken[,] and long noodles " とすれば10個になります。
- ベストアンサー率50% (102/201)
The Chinese New Year Celebration is 15 days long. The Chinese clean their homes and decorate THEM TOO. They also buy new clothes and prepare plenty of food. The big celebration startS on New Year's Eve. First, they have a big dinner with plenty of food. There are always special foods like a whole fish OR chiCken and long noodles for long life. After dinner, the whole family sits up for the night. They play gameS or watch television. FinallY, there are fireworks all over the sky at midnight. かな