- ベストアンサー
- 私が経験した地震は、インフルエンザよりも大変でした。日本で起きた大きな地震に巻き込まれ、一番恐ろしい体験をしました。
- 日本への支援に感謝。日本では地震と原発事故により電力供給が困難になっています。
- 普通の日常生活に戻りたいと思っていますが、メールの返信が遅れるかもしれません。ご了承ください。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
An awful event happened to me. It was far worse than when I had the flu. As you may already know through the news, a major earthquake hit Japan on March 11. I was in my home in OO prefecture near the earthquake’s epicentre when it happened. I had the most terrifying experience I have ever had in my life. Everything in the room started shaking and fell onto the floor. Because we rushed outside immediately my family, our pet dog and I were all safe. As a Japanese citizen I appreciate OO, where you live, for offering aid to Japan in the event of this disaster. Thank you very much. At the moment, insufficient electricity is supplied due to the damage to Fukushima nuclear power plants. So, I am sorry that I am not sure when I can send you an e-mail next for the time being... I really hope that we can get back to our normal life as soon as possible. 参考にして下さい。 (ニュースを見てて悲しい限りです。。。頑張って下さい。)