>>ぼく自身は、表面的には、留学の敷居が低くなって気軽に TOEFL にチャレンジする人が増えた結果ではないかと推測しているのですが。
The numbers of Japanese students studying abroad are declining since 2004. The exam is getting more challenging, since the ETS adopted an iBT(Internet-based Test) in 2007. There's no CBT (Computer-based Test) anymore. The examinees can still take Paper-based format, though at limited locations.
> Si vous postez en japonais, il se peut que votre posting ne m'a guère attiré mon regard.
I want to. But I have to have second thoughts on that. Just recently, I had one poster who took a very similar position with you. He was making several postings regarding English language education. I answered this guy—first in English, and then in Japanese. He replied me in French for my comments written in English. When I intended to switch the language, he made his responses in Japanese. We had several opportunities to make some exchanges in Japanese for over a week.
Unfortunately, I found that poster had serious problems with constructing his argument in Japanese. He didn’t answer to the specific point, distracted the issue intentionally, and failed to back up his point with sources and evidence, etc. Ironically, his responses in French were much clearer than his responses in Japanese.
What’s worse, he intentionally blocked me from answering his postings, which was utterly disingenuous. He simply copped out by admitting his defeat in argument throughout the series of exchanges in Japanese. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to give my comments to that poster in this forum anymore. I ’m quite skeptical that you will likely fall into the same trap. I personally don’t think switching language makes any difference. It could end up in disaster.
ありがとうございます。 >だいたい試験の点で外国語の能力が示せるという誤解からまだ抜け出ていない人が居るからじゃないでしょうかね。 おりますね。いつも英語で回答している人。 SPS700さんなら#2さんのお礼で書いたこと、翻訳機を使わなくても読めますよね。 ああ、でも やっちゃった。スペルミス。その程度なら発見できますよね?