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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Early English versions)

Early English versions: The Bible's impact on the English language

  • The Bible in English is almost as old as the English language, dating back to the time when written English was created to teach about the Christian faith.
  • Early English texts were written by missionary priests who spoke and wrote Latin, adapting the Roman alphabet and adding new letters.
  • These English texts were used to educate and convert the illiterate and mostly pagan population of England.


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  • wy1
  • ベストアンサー率23% (331/1391)

asdhjfurさん どうも聖書の英語訳の歴史とかその辺の文章のようですね。あなたは何のためにこの文章を理解する必要があるのですか?それと、あなたはどのような解釈をされましたか。読まれましたよね?