Words can have the power to control your feelings and manifest your thoughts.
Negative words spoken can eventually come back to haunt the speaker.
Choosing to suppress one's opinions is deemed important when building relationships.
言葉というのは思っていることを実現させる力を持っている (”そう思い続けているといい意味でも、悪い意味でもそれは実現してしまう”ということを言いたいのですが....)
Thank you so much for your time and effort!!
補足(you tube上での会話なのでおかしいところがあり、ごめんなさい)
I'm glad you replied back to me about the question .
Yes, it is important to master yourself thoroughly and stifle your feelings to other people.I also think you shouldn't feel free to say whatever is on your mind.
(ある人が自分のチャンネルでkill me kill meと何度も言っていたことを伝えている文です)
In fact, I saw someone adding a negative comment on their channel even though what someone was saying there was not true, and I also thought they should't have said such a thing there because their friends could see those messages.
What they said there :
"Kill me, kill me or I'm done with my life." etc..
I thought then it would be better if you had not said those negative messages like" Kill me" or " I'm done with life" .(”言わないほうがいい”というのは it would be better if you didn't say...でいいのでしょうか?丁寧に話すにはwouldかと思いました) People who go there will be felt unpleasant whey they are seeing the negative messages".
Words can have some powers to control your feelings. If you keep continuing the negative messages to yourself, it may come true, even though you don't wish for the world.
Words that you are keep saying to yourself can have some powers that may make come true what you are saying. Everything that you think can come true in both a good way and bad way.Words that you make fun of someone with will return to yourself.
.When you don't feel like answering any question, it's really fine if you don't answer all the questions. if you feel that you don't like answering some questions or worries you have, please ignore my question. Alright. I'm sorry.
See you later☆
1. 下記のような言い方もあります。ロシア版は、怒鳴った通りにこだまは返って来る、とか。
go と come が対になっています。What goes around, comes around
2.”言わないほうがいい”というのは it would be better if you didn't say...でいいのでしょうか?
Silence is gold.(Eloquence is silver) 沈黙は金(雄弁は銀)とも。
You don't have to say anything (if you don't want to).でしょうかね。