Our desire is to provide you with the best possible quality graphics for your event or exhibit. You can help us in that effort by providing digital art files using the following guidelines . If you are sending us completed , print-ready files, please pass this information on to your graphics designer. Two overall considerations for submitting acceptable artwork involves proper resolution or size of the file to avoid poor quality images, and proper color matching information and proofs to insure accurate color reproduction.
Artwork that are of acceptable resolution as listed will typically be too large to send via e-mail. Files should be sent via overnight delivery on either a CD-ROM or a DVD. A printed hard proof needs to accompany the files.
Files may also be posted to AAA's FTP site, however a hard copy proof and backup of the files on CD/DVD are required!
If you have any additional questions concerning make-up, logos, resolution, etc. you may also contact the Graphics Manager listed on the left.