- ベストアンサー
書き込みさせていただきます。 初心者の英語学習者です。自己学習で英作文をしているのですが、自分では、文法的・意味的に正しいかどうか判断をつけにくいので、どなたか、ご助言・ご指導をお願いします。 1 「コンピュータは間違えません」とは決まり文句だが、それは要するに扱う人間の側が間違えることが多い、ということだ。相手が人間の場合、「あ、ここはこうするつもりが間違えたんだな」と推察してくれるかもしれないが、コンピュータはなかなかそうはいかない。コンピュータを疑う前にまず自分を疑え-特に初心者はこれを肝に銘じておいたほうがいいだろう。 It is often said that “computers don’t make mistakes”, but in brief, man who uses it often make mistakes. In the case of men, he might guess that you should have done that. But computers don’t guess. Doubt yourself before you doubt them―people in particular beginners should keep it in mind. 2 鯛を食べたことのない人に鯛の味を説明しろと言われたら、どんなことばを選ぶだろうか。おそらくどんなことばを用いても言い表す方法がないだろう。このように、たった一つのものの味でさえ伝えることができないのだから、ことばというのは案外不自由なものである。 What word would you select if someone tells you that he wants you to explain taste of bream to the man who has never eaten bream? Perhaps there is no way to express by any word. Thus word is inconvenient beyond expectation, because word can’t inform only one taste.
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- ベストアンサー
It is often said that "computers never make mistakes." This phrase can be translated as "errors are caused by the users." When you speak with a living man, he may kindly corrects your errors within his brain, but computers don't. Computer beginners should keep it in mind that, if your machine does not work, check yourself first. What word would you select if you have to explain the taste of bream to someone else who has never eaten it? Perhaps no word can express its particular taste exactly. Because we can't explain a fish by language, it is less powerful tool to exchange information than we may expect, I think. 質問者さんの作文をコピーして生かしながら,片端から書き換えました。きちんとした和文英訳にはなっていませんが,ご参考までに。
その他の回答 (2)
2番ですが、勘違いアリ。 >How would you explain (/ would you choose words to explain) the taste of sea bream have you not eaten it before? How would you explain the taste of sea bream to someone who has never eaten it?
へぼい英文ですが 私ならとりあえずこんな感じです。 "Computers never make mistakes" is a cliche, eventually meaning people using them very often make mistakes. A computer cannot understand whether it is a human error or not, whereas a human would. Doubt yourself before you doubt them--beginners in particular should keep that in mind. How would you explain (/ would you choose words to explain) the taste of sea bream have you not eaten it before? It might be impossible even if you can use any words. Thus language is not so convenient as you think because sometimes you would have a hard time explaining just one taste.
丁寧な回答ありがとうございます。 ぜひ参考にさせていただきます。